This course is part of the Bachelor of Garment Production. The course will introduce the students to advanced garments and smart textiles. A general introduction of both is first given. The key functions of smart materials are presented, after which textile comfort is covered. PCM, SMM, Chromism are covered in depth. Wearable electronics are presented, including conductive polymers, optical fibers, soft circuits and more. The students finish the course with a group project.
Learning outcomes
- Know the concepts: advanced garment, smart textiles, smart materials, textile comfort, sensoring, data processing, actuation, storage, communication. For example; smart suits of the future; mechanical actuators, chemical actuator, release mechanism; colour change; electrotextiles; optical fibers; functional textiles; smart textiles
- Obtain and understanding of functional textile materials; obtain knowledge of smart and functional textile materials and structures and their basic materials, to convert classical devices into fiber-based structures

- Teacher: Natassa Kazantzidou
- Teacher: Benny Malengier
- Teacher: Mohamad Widodo
This course is part of the Bachelor of Textile
Chemistry. The course will introduce the students to smart textiles in all
their forms. A general introduction of smart textiles and the classification is
first given. The key functions of smart materials are presented, after which
textile ergonomics is covered. A broad range of application areas of smart
textiles is presented: for sports, medicine, protection and creatives. Attention
is given to product design and some specific materials are covered in more
depth, such as microcapsules and adaptive polymers. The students finish the
course with a group project in which they create a prototype smart
Learning outcomes
- Understanding the concepts of smart materials and smart textiles including the concepts of passive smart, active smart, very smart; evolution; sensoring, data processing, actuation, energy storage, and communication.
- Having a good knowledge about smart and functional textile materials and structures, their basic materials, and how to convert classical devices into fiber-based structures.
- Having sufficient knowledge and insight about the development of future of textile technology.
- Having a good knowledge and understanding about various basis of constructing smart materials and/or smart products: electronic-based and non-electronic-based (polymers, dyes, etc.)
- Having ability to construct an idea about making smart products or smart materials.

- Teacher: Gunawan Gunawan
- Teacher: Hardianto Hardianto
- Teacher: Natassa Kazantzidou
- Teacher: Benny Malengier
- Teacher: Ida Nuramdhani
- Teacher: Mohamad Widodo
This course is part of the Bachelor of Textile Engineering. The course will introduce the students technical textiles. A general introduction is first given. The fibers for technical textiles and production processes are given in detail, with special attention to nonwoven fabrics, composites and electro-spinning.
Application areas are highlighted, such as protective textiles.
The students finish the course with a group project.Learning outcomes

- Teacher: Gunawan Gunawan
- Teacher: Hardianto Hardianto
- Teacher: Natassa Kazantzidou
- Teacher: Benny Malengier
- Teacher: Ida Nuramdhani
- Teacher: Mohamad Widodo
This course is a translated localized course with material as given in the Bachelor of ADVANCED GARMENT AND SMART CLOTHING of Politeknik STTT Bandung. It is given here to give a localized overview of material that students are expected to learn.

- Teacher: Natassa Kazantzidou
- Teacher: Benny Malengier
- Teacher: Mohamad Widodo
This course is a translated localized course with material as given in the Bachelor of SMART TEXTILES AND FASHIONABLE TECHNOLOGY of Politeknik STTT Bandung. It is given here to give a localized overview of material that students are expected to learn.

- Teacher: Gunawan Gunawan
- Teacher: Hardianto Hardianto
- Teacher: Natassa Kazantzidou
- Teacher: Benny Malengier
- Teacher: Ida Nuramdhani
- Teacher: Mohamad Widodo
This course is a translated localized course with material as given in the Bachelor of TECHNICAL TEXTILES of Politeknik STTT Bandung. It is given here to give a localized overview of material that students are expected to learn.

- Teacher: Gunawan Gunawan
- Teacher: Hardianto Hardianto
- Teacher: Natassa Kazantzidou
- Teacher: Benny Malengier
- Teacher: Ida Nuramdhani
- Teacher: Mohamad Widodo